Sunday, November 4, 2012

My participation in Fall

Walking to church this morning, I couldn't help but feel a little like the many trees around me. Today the leaves suddenly decided to expedite their Autumn festivities by shedding themselves in a red fury of swirling wind, leaving their trees exposed and bare. You see, I cut my hair yesterday - like really cut it - and it is shockingly short, sharp, stylish, and not very Laura-like. On my walk to church early this morning to rehearse for my vocal solo, I felt humbly exposed and bare.

Singing in front of the congregation this morning, I experienced something really nice. Perhaps it was the humiliation from my new hair, but my music was more intimate and heart-exposing than it has been in awhile. I sang "Cry of the Broken" by Darlene Zschech - a song that deeply resonates with me. There is something so solidifying about proclaiming your faith in front of other people, especially through such a personal and intimate medium as singing. Through my own experience of worship before my congregation and the words of others this morning, I am reminded of one of the very few things I've known I'm meant to do. At the age of 25, I am still not sure what I am supposed to do with my life. However, I know I am meant to sing true things in front of other human persons.

So despite my hair, I am grateful for the effect it had on me today.